Do you receive our Juniper newsletters? Each quarter, we lovingly create a little update from the Juniper team, which contains all our latest news and views, as well as plenty of tips and advice. If you would like to start receiving our newsletters, please email

A taster of what to look forward to...

Our newsletters include a variety of articles from the Juniper team covering a wide range of topics. From tips and advice to new ideas and inspiration, there should be plenty to keep you entertained over a coffee.

Some highlights from our Summer newsletter:

  • Maximising individual superpowers and unlocking team potential - Our Account Manager, Hannah Speck delves into how understanding our individual personality styles can significantly benefit the team as a whole.
  • Embracing AI: our journey into the world of artificial intelligence - So far, our exploration into the world of AI has been nothing short of fascinating. Find out more about our experiences.
  • Thinking sharp - Planning is crucial, but sometimes, circumstances force us to deviate from our meticulously crafted agendas. We explore ways to cope in the moment and manage unforeseen challenges.
  • The power of curiosity - Curiosity propels us to ask questions, seek new perspectives, and discover answers that can take our performance to the next level. We give our thoughts on how a curious mind can help us to achieve our goals.

A snapshot of the full newsletter:

If there is an article you would particularly like to read and you cannot find it in the blog library on our website, please let us know
