Acts of kindness

By: Nicki Kavanagh Categories: Team News

Written on the 29th November 2021.

December has arrived and brought with it the usual frenetic scene: invitations to festive drinks, holiday plans, deadlines to meet, not to mention the Christmas shopping! I sometimes find myself so immersed in my “to do” list that I take my eye off what is important - so focused on the goal that I forget about the journey.

That’s why this year I have made a conscious decision to enjoy the whole month of December by slowing down and focusing on kindness rather than speeding through to Boxing Day.

I was inspired to do this by something that Amelia Earhart is reputed to have said: “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees”. It got me thinking about the different acts of kindness I have experienced in the past, and the impact they have had the roots springing up”, if you like.

The kindness I experience is usually a timely word of encouragement, a personalised present, a WhatsApp message on a difficult anniversary, a bouquet of flowers on my birthday, a Mother’s Day card, a “thank you” post on LinkedIn from a client, or a spontaneous invitation to the pub to celebrate nothing in particular. Sometimes, the kindness I experience is simply me giving myself permission to take time out of my busy day to go for a walk in the afternoon sunshine. Most of these things don’t cost anything in financial terms, and yet, I consider them more valuable than a material gift!

I remember a former colleague of mine receiving a box of chocolates on her birthday from a teammate. My colleague was on a diet, and resented the chocolates, believing that her teammate had deliberately tried to sabotage her efforts to lose weight! In reality, the teammate wouldn’t have known about the diet - she was simply being kind. I often remember that as I “interpret” what’s going on around me and challenge my own perception of reality.

As we finish this year’s Juniper calendar on the theme of kindness, I wonder if there is anything specific that you are going to do to show kindness, be that to yourself, your friends and family, or simply to the barista in your local coffee shop. For me, it means taking the time to buy thoughtful presents for family, messaging friends to see how they are doing, and for allowing myself the time relax over the festive season!

(If you’re in need of inspiration on random acts of kindness, click here.)