​"It is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change." Charles Darwin
Change is nothing new to Juniper – we have been supporting our clients on implementing change programmes for nearly 20 years. However, the last 18 months have seen a radical increase in the amount of change we have had to deal with in both our professional and personal lives. Some people have gone…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 29 July 2021 Categories: Change management full article
Leading people through change podcast
Click here to view: Leading people through change podcastWe are excited to be sharing our second Juniper podcast on the topic of leading people through change! This podcast discusses the process of change and how to guide people through it successfully, whilst highlighting how change isn't always a…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 22 May 2019 Categories: Change management, Leadership full article
Embracing change and making the most of new opportunities
We go through seasons of change in our lives, just like the Earth currently changing from summer to autumn. Although many people are fearful of change, like we previously discussed, embracing new opportunities and keeping a positive attitude can lead to great successes. As a new member of the…
By: Sarah Sullivan, Marketing and Programmes Assistant, 26 September 2018 Categories: Change management full article
​Overcoming fear of change in the workplace
Are you resistant about bringing a change initiative in to your organisation? You’re not alone. It’s human nature to resist change, particularly if you’ve previously been exposed to a change initiative which failed to have the desired results. 70% of change efforts fail to meet target impact33%…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 28 August 2018 Categories: Change management full article