Embracing AI: our journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence
So far, our exploration into the world of AI has been nothing short of fascinating. As a team we are passionate about pushing boundaries and embracing new technologies, so naturally, we have been spending time experimenting with AI to enhance our content creation process. Indeed, this blog post…
By: Alison Coleman, 18 June 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
​2 + 2 doesn’t always equal 4!
As we celebrate The Juniper Co.’s 22nd Birthday, Nicki Kavanagh reflects on some of the unexpected takeaways from her time as Managing Director.In 22 years of running The Juniper Co., there have been plenty of things that have surprised me, not least the fact that time goes much faster than you…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 24 April 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
The Juniper Co. 22nd Anniversary Duck Race – line up announced!
We cannot wait to get our Juniper (bath) ducks in the water next week and see which one takes the honours in our 22nd Anniversary Duck Race. Why a duck race, you may ask? For those less familiar with ‘bingo lingo’, the call for the number 22 in the game is ‘two little ducks’, taking its name from…
By: The Juniper Team, 11 April 2024 Categories: Team News full article
​The PREsent is a gift
As we welcome in the month of April, we find ourselves already in the second quarter of the year. How time flies! With the arrival of a new quarter, comes a new Juniper theme – for the next three months we will be exploring ideas around the importance of being present.As Mahatma Gandhi once said,…
By: Alison Coleman, 2 April 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22!
This month marks our 22nd Birthday here at The Juniper Co. We thought we would have a bit of fun in honour of the occasion, sharing some golden nuggets of advice that we would like to have given our 22-year-old selves!What would you say to your younger self if you got the opportunity? Here are the…
By: The Juniper Team, 21 March 2024 Categories: Team News full article
​A good spring clean!
With the clocks going forward here in the UK this weekend, it really feels like Spring has truly arrived. It’s the time of year to get preparing for the months ahead – dusting off the cobwebs and clearing out the clutter (hopefully unearthing some treasures along the way). Here at The Juniper Co.,…
By: The Juniper Team, 20 March 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
Getting to know Ann
Find out more about our fabulous new team member, Ann Smith.What have you enjoyed most about your time at The Juniper Co. so far? Definitely, being part of the team. It's very collaborative and you really feel that you are supported. I love the fact that, whilst the company is about learning,…
By: The Juniper Team, 14 March 2024 Categories: Team News full article
Collaborating across the time zones
I really enjoy working with people from different backgrounds and cultures, so it’s great that our work at Juniper involves several international clients. It’s always fascinating to join a virtual meeting with a global or regional team and hear what’s happening in their part of the world. While it’s…
By: Hannah Speck, 7 March 2024 Categories: Culture & engagement, Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
(Not so) mad March hares
As a keen wildlife photographer (when I am not at my desk), I absolutely love this time of year. There is so much promise of what is to come, with trees and plants springing into bud and animals pairing up for the months ahead. From the landscape looking dull and grey, suddenly everything starts to…
By: Alison Coleman, 4 March 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News full article
​Reflections on a wet but wonderful winter!
As we start to look forward to spring it's a good opportunity to reflect on our favourite winter moments. As a team, we love getting outdoors and spending time with nature. Whether it’s a moment of quiet reflection during a morning walk or something a bit more energetic, there is nothing better than…
By: The Juniper Team, 27 February 2024 Categories: Team News full article
​Taking Juniper to Sydney!
As Calvin transitioned to Australia, he spent a few weeks working with us to hand over his projects. It was lovely having that extra time with him, but it meant some very early mornings for Calvin! Here he shares his thoughts on the first few weeks of his new adventure...“As I made my way to the…
By: Calvin Sadie, 6 February 2024 Categories: Team News full article
​A love of the land, part two
Towards the end of last year, we began a three-part series exploring our managing director, Nicki Kavanagh’s relationship with land-based businesses. In part one we learned how Nicki’s early connections with the rural community were borne out of a deep-rooted passion for the countryside and outdoor…
By: The Juniper Team, 18 January 2024 Categories: Organisational vision & strategy, Team News full article
Creating themes for 2024
A very Happy New Year to all our friends and colleagues. As 2024 gets underway, we are taking the opportunity to share a little bit of insight into our plans for the year ahead. For many years we produced the much-loved Juniper desk calendar, enabling us to connect regularly with our friends and…
By: Alison Coleman, 4 January 2024 Categories: Team News full article
Our Festive Plait
Looking to create something a bit different to Mince Pies this Christmas? Nicki Kavanagh shares her quick recipe for a tasty homemade treat.You will need:Mincemeat of your choice - it can be homemade or shop bought, whichever you preferPuff Pastry - again, homemade or shop boughtA large egg and a…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 20 December 2023 Categories: Team News full article
Celebrating 12 Trees of Christmas
One of the things we share as a Juniper team is a love of nature. Being outdoors not only provides an opportunity to relax and reset but also reminds us of the sheer beauty of life around us. There is much to appreciate in the natural world, not least the grace and majesty of trees. From the rich…
By: Alison Coleman, 30 November 2023 Categories: Team News full article
​Embracing the Holiday Season
The holiday season is nearly upon us here in the UK, a time of year when the world seems to sparkle with magic and goodwill. Whilst traditions like decorating your home, making gingerbread houses, and exchanging gifts are wonderful ways to celebrate, it's also a time for winding down, reflection,…
By: Calvin Sadie, 30 November 2023 Categories: Team News full article
The sky’s the limit
In our last newsletter, we shared some of our top tips for successful onboarding, having welcomed two new team members over the summer months. Investing time with new starters certainly pays dividends, but what happens next? Here we explore the steps we have taken as a team to help us come together…
By: Alison Coleman, 30 November 2023 Categories: Team News full article
​Come fly with us – our team travel tips!
Working with clients from across the globe means our Juniper team members often need to travel. Having the opportunity to meet with people face to face and visit new places can be extremely exciting and rewarding, but not without its challenges. Here are some of our favourite tips for managing…
By: The Juniper Team, 7 November 2023 Categories: Team News full article
​Top tips for maintaining your rhythm as the days get shorter
As the clocks fall back and we transition to autumn in the UK, the USA, and Western Europe, it can be a challenging time. The shorter days and darker evenings can impact our mood and well-being. However, with a few mindful adjustments, we can maintain our rhythm and well-being, and thrive during the…
By: Calvin Sadie, 26 October 2023 Categories: Team News full article
​Finding our rhythm
There are lots of things that I love about working for The Juniper Co. From the collective desire to go the extra mile for our clients, to the camaraderie and supportive atmosphere within the team. There is one thing that I am particularly grateful for though, and that’s our sense of rhythm. Rhythm…
By: Alison Coleman, 12 October 2023 Categories: Team News full article
Getting to know Calvin and Hannah
Find out more about our talented new team members, Calvin Sadie and Hannah Speck. What have you enjoyed most about your time in the Juniper team so far? Calvin: “I have felt like a sponge, soaking up huge amounts of information. Every day feels like I'm growing as an individual and achieving a…
By: The Juniper Team, 28 September 2023 Categories: Team News full article
​A love of the land
The Juniper Co. has worked with a number of land-based organisations, including The Duchy of Cornwall, The Sandringham Estate, The Bolesworth Estate, NFSCo and The Pony Club. During the pandemic, Nicki Kavanagh generously ran a series of webinars for rural businesses offering advice on business…
By: The Juniper Team, 27 September 2023 Categories: Team News full article
There is no friend as loyal as a book
Summer wouldn’t be summer without a memorable read! Whether it’s a title you’ve been meaning to dip into for a while, or a spontaneous purchase (perhaps at the airport), a good book can be one of the highlights of the holiday period. We love hearing recommendations for books we might enjoy, so…
By: The Juniper Team, 7 September 2023 Categories: Team News full article
When passion meets purpose
The Juniper Co. has sponsored professional event rider, Ginny Howe for many years. From enjoying watching Ginny and her horses compete in stunning settings like Blenheim Palace, to experiencing the disappointments when things don’t go to plan, we have shared with her the incredible highs and…
By: Alison Coleman, 6 July 2023 Categories: Team News full article
New beginnings
Some of you may be aware that my time at Juniper has sadly come to an end, with me moving on to take up a new role in L&D. Although the move happened pretty quickly and was a little unexpected, I took some time out over my last few days to reflect on my Juniper journey. I decided to begin by…
By: Vicky Davies, 6 July 2023 Categories: Team News full article
My early days with Juniper
Having worked with Nicki on a couple of projects in the past, I couldn’t wait to get started as part of the Juniper team. Much of my experience has been working in sport and the equestrian world, so I was really looking forward to bringing my writing and project management skills to a new adventure.…
By: Alison Coleman, 6 July 2023 Categories: Team News full article
A crowning moment
There was no shortage of pomp and ceremony as the eyes of the world turned to Britain for the Coronation of King Charles III. One of the most striking images to come out of the celebrations was the sight of the King’s horses, the Windsor greys, pulling those stunning carriages down The Mall from…
By: Alison Coleman, 6 July 2023 Categories: Team News full article
The Juniper Co March Newsletter
Welcome to our March newsletter Hello Spring! In the spirit of the new season, we're thrilled to exclusively give you the first watch in our brand-new series of podcasts we’re recording with some old friends, to showcase the best of Juniper. We will be reflecting on the work we have done…
By: The Juniper Team, 24 April 2023 Categories: Team News full article
Emily's first Anniversary at Juniper
Like our March calendar quote, “The two elements the traveler first captures in the big city are extra human architecture and furious rhythm.”, I too have found a somewhat furious new rhythm to my working life. I have been incredibly fortunate to visit three cities in Europe – Amsterdam, Rome and…
By: Emily Watson, 22 March 2023 Categories: Team News full article
Define your values
A new year. Some of us are likely to be feeling excited about a fresh sheet of paper, whilst others might feel the sinking dread of having not achieved some of last year’s key goals and having to set new ones. If you are the latter, you may benefit from looking up our ‘fear-setting’ blog from this…
By: Sophie Granlund, 1 February 2023 Categories: Team News full article
Juniper goes 100% mobile!
With clients based all over the world, seamless collaboration is critical to our success. . We need to share and update documents in real time and collaborate on files simultaneously. Working virtually throughout 2020 and most of 2021 presented an opportunity to review our technology needs. We…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 13 December 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Building the Juniper 2023 calendar
If you are a long-standing friend of Juniper, you might be accustomed to seeing our Juniper calendar sitting on your desk. To the untrained eye, it may look like a collection of wonderful photographs and inspiring quotes. But, for us, it is the culmination of a lot of hard work, thought, and…
By: Ava Barker, 13 December 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Returning to face to face
Both Emily and Ava had the opportunity to attend client workshops face-to-face over the past few weeks. Here they share their experiences of meeting participants for the first time, beyond Teams and Google Meet.Amsterdam - Ava: This month I travelled to Amsterdam with Nicki and Cathy to support two…
By: Emily Watson and Ava Barker, 12 December 2022 Categories: Team News full article
From changing bag to laptop bag
Hello wonderful friends of Juniper! Some of you may be aware that I have recently returned to work following maternity leave, after 12 whole months of giving my undevoted attention to a new little man in my life. A new very demanding boss, who gave me no weekends or evenings off, paid me in 3am…
By: Vicky Davis, 30 November 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Book review: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - Jean-Dominique Bauby
Reading is a strong passion of mine. I can bury my head into any book and immerse myself in tales of faraway places, steadfast heroines, and victorious heroes. Each one holds a special place in my heart, and from time to time I look back on them as if they were old friends. However, this book had me…
By: Ava Barker, 17 October 2022 Categories: Team News full article
New beginnings
September - for many it’s the beginning of the academic year, the financial year, and generally a time to start afresh with renewed energy after the opportunity to recharge our batteries over the summer and reflect on our goals for the forthcoming months.Personally, I have always enjoyed this time…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 27 September 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Summer of Sport 2022 - the Highs and Lows
What an inspirational few weeks of sport it has been. Not only did our British Lionesses end 56 years of hurt with a trailblazing first Championship win over old rivals Germany in the Euros, but our Commonwealth athletes have also excelled on home soil, both to the delight of full stadiums. All…
By: Sophie Granlund, 12 August 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Book review: The Gifts of Imperfection – Brené Brown
It took an unaccompanied return train journey to Devon to devour Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection. A Christmas gift I had not yet made time to read, I set aside the trip to discover it. And I am glad I did! I’d seen Brown’s Ted Talk on vulnerability and her Netflix movie “Call to Courage”. I…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 10 August 2022 Categories: Team News full article
​Juniper team’s top bakes
This month we’ve had some fun listening to the stories behind each of our favourite bakes, proving that cake plays a key part in the Juniper team’s lives, evoking memories that are integral to the celebration of life! Read on to learn about the team’s top bakes and the stories behind them.Ava When I…
By: The Juniper Team, 27 July 2022 Categories: Team News full article
The importance of curiosity
Albert Einstein said “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” We are all born asking questions; a recent UK study found that children ask an average of 73 questions a day (Children Ask Parents 73 Questions A Day On Average, Study Finds). As we…
By: Emily Watson, 19 July 2022 Categories: Team News full article
The Juniper team has recently been reflecting on milestones and what 2022 means for each of us with respect to our personal and professional goal-setting and achievements. We hope we may inspire you to set yourself targets, and realise what you have already achieved this year and importantly,…
By: The Juniper Team, 23 June 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Movie of the month - Belfast
Kenneth Branagh’s monochrome storytelling of his childhood, focusing on the breakout of the troubles in 1969 Belfast, is a risk. Told through the eyes of his 9-year-old self, ‘Buddy’, it could be a deeply nostalgic, sugar-coated viewing experience that offends our sensibilities. Indeed, the opposite…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 30 May 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Making a positive impact
This month we have been doing a lot of reflection as part of our 20th year. Following our birthday celebrations in March, we received some lovely messages and comments from past participants, and we’ve been focusing on how we can learn from their feedback. As a people-centered business, we know how…
By: The Juniper Team, 24 May 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Starting a New Job is Never Easy
Starting a new job is never easy. Especially when it’s in an industry you’ve not had any involvement in before. That’s not to say it isn’t exciting! I know that for me, challenges can bring some anxiety, but facing them head-on and embracing these new experiences has already been very rewarding.…
By: Ava Barker, 20 May 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Movie of the Month - Don't Look Up
April Movie of the Month - Don’t Look Up This comedy disaster movie is a welcome and brave attempt from a Hollywood blockbuster at tackling the tricky subject of climate change. Doing so head on with a large dose of comedy, has produced something truly engaging. In “Don’t Look Up”, two…
By: The Juniper Team, 2 April 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Spring Forward
It’s that time of year when the days are getting slightly longer and slightly warmer. Last week officially saw us into spring, making it apt that we “spring forward” last Sunday – “losing” an hour in order to optimise daylight for the next seven months.The decision to adopt British Summer Time in…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 31 March 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Movie of the Month - Wild
“Wild” is the true story of one woman’s “remarkable journey of self-discovery and redemption that strengthens and ultimately heals her”, according to the Amazon synopsis.Reese Witherspoon (on our birthday honours list for March), stars as 26-year old Cheryl Strayed, who, after the sudden death of…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 10 March 2022 Categories: Team News full article
International Women’s Day
Today, 8 March, marks International Women’s Day, an annual opportunity to celebrate the advancements of women around the world and to remind us to continue to accelerate women’s equality.Each year, the anniversary carries a theme, aimed at challenging our thinking around the role of women – this…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 8 March 2022 Categories: Team News full article
​Movie of the Month - The Dawn Wall
“Tommy Caldwell believes difficult journeys, with little chance for success, teach him the most.”As a student, I spent a summer working as a lifeguard at a children’s camp in northern California. Often in the pre-internet days, little information about a destination was available before a trip - The…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 11 January 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Clear personal values and metrics – how can they help us to get where we want to go, but perhaps more importantly, be more fulfilled, resilient and happy?
I can’t say I love January. It is dark, cold, often wet and very often, grey. However, it is a time for a fresh start after what is usually quite an intense end to the previous year - finalising projects in a shorter working month, shopping, celebrating with family, and reflecting. As I ask myself…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 11 January 2022 Categories: Team News full article
Acts of kindness
December has arrived and brought with it the usual frenetic scene: invitations to festive drinks, holiday plans, deadlines to meet, not to mention the Christmas shopping! I sometimes find myself so immersed in my “to do” list that I take my eye off what is important - so focused on the goal that I…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 29 November 2021 Categories: Team News full article
Am I prepared for maternity leave?
It seems like only yesterday that I was nervously looking down at that white stick watching two lines appear. Isn’t it crazy how one extra line can change your life forever?! It’s now seven months later, and I am preparing (both physically and mentally) to go on maternity leave. I have been…
By: Victoria Davis, 23 September 2021 Categories: Team News full article
What, So What and Now What?
Back in July, the Juniper team regrouped to consider how we could make the most of some down-time over the summer to relax, reflect, and refocus both professionally and personally.A couple of weeks later during our team day out, we found ourselves discussing Covid and its impact on our lives. We…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 22 September 2021 Categories: Team News full article
Tips for navigating your way through lockdown lifting
If we have become familiar with anything over the last 12 months, it’s how to adapt! And, as lockdown restrictions are beginning to lift, we find ourselves in yet another change situation. Like many others, having been in contact (virtually, of course!) with a variety of individuals over the course…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 26 March 2021 Categories: Team News full article
Looking back, looking forward
It is customary at the end of the year to reflect upon it, and of course 2020 is no different in that respect. And what a year it was! It is undeniable that 2020 presented devastating life-changing challenges for many people across the globe, including many terrible losses. I continue to find it…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 8 January 2021 Categories: Team News full article
What do you do when you’re hit by a colossal wave?
When I wrote about creating a vision board at the beginning of the year, I do not think anyone could have envisioned how 2020 would unfold. Coronavirus first presented as an insignificant swell on the horizon, distant from our daily lives. In a matter of days, as the swell grew bigger and drew…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 14 December 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Winter motivation!
Struggling with energy and motivation in the dark evenings and chilly mornings?It can take time to adjust to the changing seasons, not to mention the highs and lows of lockdown; the on-going uncertainty and continued working from home. Just one of these can have a real impact on our motivation and…
By: Charlotte Brown, 9 December 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Slowing down in order to speed up
I remember someone saying to me that we are not in the same boat, we may be sailing the same storm, but we are all in very different boats experiencing very different journeys. This has become particularly apparent to me during lockdown. It feels as though life has been a whirlwind this year,…
By: Lauren Wiggins, 9 September 2020 Categories: Team News full article
September Anxiety
As ridiculous as it sounds, September anxiety is in fact a real thing. Throughout our education years September means the start of a new year, the summer holidays are over and life gets more serious again. For some it can be hard not to carry this feeling into adulthood and working life that…
By: Clare Kavanagh, 3 September 2020 Categories: Team News full article
My Lockdown Lowdown
It’s 9.30am on a Tuesday morning. I’m on a Teams call with my colleagues, suitably dressed from the waist upwards, and my husband has just walked past in the background, carrying our ironing board up to his office… this is my reality in 2020. Seventeen weeks on from the first lockdown announcement,…
By: Victoria Davis, 31 July 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Charlotte's lockdown rollercoaster ride!
I like to refer to my lockdown experience as a rollercoaster ride - there have been many ups and downs and I have finished the ride feeling a sense of relief with a little exhilaration. Now I have an underlying question - would I like to ride it again? When the lockdown news was first announced,…
By: Charlotte Brown, 23 July 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Turning a face to face programme virtual
Recently we were tasked by one of our clients with the challenge of turning an EMEA Account Management Development Programme module into a virtually delivered workshop. As the project manager, I was aware that this would involve hard work, clear project management and attention to detail. However,…
By: Victoria Davis, 8 July 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Case Study – turning EMEA Account Management Development Programme virtual
The Account Management Development Programme supports account managers who are spread across EMEA, to help drive and develop the performance of their key accounts. The brief / challenge Juniper has been involved in the design, delivery and project management of PwC’s 12-month EMEA Account…
By: Victoria Davis, 8 July 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Cathy's look back on lockdown
Rhetorically, I ask Salvatore at our local Italian deli how we are going to survive the lockdown. Without hesitation, he replies “con amore” (“with love”). Cynically, I wonder if he has seen what’s been going on in the world. The date is 21 March, the day before Mother’s Day, a big part of which is…
By: Cathy Marinacci, 8 July 2020 Categories: Team News full article
New year, new career
So 2020 is here and as cliché as it sounds – this is a new year and a new career! Leaving behind a career in events to embark on a new and exciting role with Juniper as a Marketing and Programme Coordinator, at the beginning of January, was perfect timing. I was lucky enough to have two weeks off…
By: Charlotte Brown, 5 February 2020 Categories: Team News full article
Finding your winter motivation!
Struggling with energy and motivation since the evenings have got darker and the chilly mornings have begun? It can definitely take time to adjust to the changing seasons, and this can have a real impact on your motivation and energy levels, both in your work and personal life. There are however…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 12 December 2019 Categories: Team News full article
All I want for Christmas...
As a newbie to the company this year, this will be my first Christmas working in the Juniper team. I’m not quite sure my colleagues are fully aware yet just how many Christmas songs and festive treats they are in for with me around this December, but hopefully they will take it positively! However,…
By: Victoria Davis, Marketing and Programme Assistant, 12 December 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Be the best that YOU can be
We are all about helping our clients to be the very best they can be, in order to have a positive impact in the workplace because they feel empowered and confident in themselves and their abilities. I have worked for The Juniper Company for almost twelve years and have come to realise that it’s…
By: Laura Riches, Finance and Office Administrator, 11 December 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Collaboration is key
We are currently working with our long term partner, Fiona Coleman at create-i Limited, to deliver a coaching programme over three days a month apart, for a key client. I have been reflecting on what this means for me - collaboration provides an opportunity to create a balance between bringing your…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 1 November 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Working with Bolesworth
1) How did you first become involved with Bolesworth?After my interim role as CEO of the British Equestrian Federation, David Ingle, who had worked closely with me as interim COO, introduced me to Nina Barbour. David has been involved in both the Bolesworth International Horse Show and Liverpool…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 29 October 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Juniper return to Blenheim!
What a fantastic day we had hosting our guests at SsangYong Blenheim International Horse Trials, soaking up all the action and supporting our amazing sponsored rider, Ginny Howe. With the weather on our side once again, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day with wonderful company and delicious food, all…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 23 September 2019 Categories: Team News full article
The first 30 days
Well this is it. My new challenge within a new company has begun, and I am now a very enthusiastic Marketing and Programme Assistant at Juniper. As with all new jobs, I’m imagining the first month will be full of excitement, change, anxiety, and all of the thoughts that fill your head on a day to…
By: Victoria Davis, Programmes and Marketing Assistant, 15 April 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Assertive communication podcast
We are very excited to be presenting our first ever Juniper podcast! As chosen by you, Nicki will be discussing the topic of assertive communication - why we resist using it and how we can achieve more positive outcomes when we demonstrate assertive behaviours.Click here to view: Assertive…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, 14 March 2019 Categories: Team News full article
In our increasingly busy modern-day lives, it’s easy to forget to take time for ourselves and allow the mind to become overcrowded and frantic. This can have a negative impact not only on our wellbeing but also our productivity at work. Mindfulness is a technique that encourages you to slow down, be…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Account Executive, 1 February 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Pony Club Eventer’s Challenge
Last weekend we had an enjoyable but cold (!) day supporting the Staff College and Sandhurst Hunt Pony Club annual eventer’s challenge. What else would you want to do on a miserable January day? Juniper has been a long-term supporter of the Staff College Pony Club, which has done so much for the…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Account Executive, 25 January 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from all of us at The Juniper Company! We hope that you had a great Christmas break and have had a good start to 2019. The team are back in full swing here at the Juniper office. If you received our annual calendar we hope you are enjoying it so far. We would love to see a photo of…
By: Sarah Sullivan, Marketing and Programmes Assistant, 8 January 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Merry Christmas from the Juniper team!
From all the team here at The Juniper Company, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Our office will be shut over the festive period, closing on Friday 21st December and opening again on Wednesday 2nd January. We look forward to re-connecting with you in the new year.…
By: Sarah Sullivan, Marketing and Programmes Assistant, 21 December 2018 Categories: Team News full article
4 tips to set you up for a successful new year
As we approach Christmas, our thoughts often turn to how the year has gone both personally and in our career. Here at Juniper, we take the opportunity to reflect and to think about how we can progress in the year ahead. Emily shares four top tips on how to set yourself up for a successful new year:…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 14 December 2018 Categories: Team News full article
It's Christmas time again!
It’s Christmas time again. The festive season seems to come around so quickly each year. For me, it brings nostalgic childhood memories of feeling excited, having family parties and eating far too much chocolate.Who else has memories of waking up on Christmas morning to the delicious aroma of the…
By: Lynda Swallow, Learning and Development Coordinator, 14 December 2019 Categories: Team News full article
Physical activity and performance at work
The health and fitness trend is exploding across the world, with social media and the press constantly telling us how important it is to exercise and eat ‘superfoods’. It is well known that the benefits of regular exercise can include: improved sleep, having more energy and burning fat etc and that…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing and Administration Assistant, 2 November 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Just Married! Congratulations to our new Juniper bird!
We are excited to announce that our new Juniper bird Sarah has got married! On top of starting a new job and moving house, she has also been organising a wedding – what a challenge! However, it was worth all the hard work as they had a wonderful day.Sarah and David celebrated their special day in…
By: Sarah Sullivan, Marketing and Programmes Assistant, 19 September 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Watching the action at Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials
We had a fabulous time at Blenheim International Horse Trials last weekend watching our sponsored event rider Ginny Howe. Blenheim Palace is a beautiful setting and the weather couldn’t have been better to enjoy the day with Juniper connections in our riverside marquee. It was lovely to catch up…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing and Administration Assistant, 19 September 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Important considerations when giving feedback
Now two months on from our summer networking event, we want to continue the conversation on giving feedback. Take a look at our latest info-graphic on what to consider when giving constructive or improvement-focused feedback.Can you take any of these tips on board to use yourself? If so, let us know…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 29 August 2018 Categories: Team News full article
A day at Manchester United!
Nicki and Clare were recently lucky enough to hold a workshop at a very different kind of venue to normal – Old Trafford Stadium! One of our clients, The Bolesworth Group, has a good relationship with the team at Manchester United, so we headed to Old Trafford for a brand workshop day. The day…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing and Administration Assistant, 29 August 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Top tips for success in baking and in life!
Cake – one of our favourite treats and one of the subjects of this blog!The Juniper Team were discussing how excited we are that ‘The Great British Bake Off’ is this week and what a hole had been left in our lives since the last series.Always an inspiration to the cake lovers amongst us to try some…
By: Lynda Swallow, Learning and Development Coordinator, 28 August 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Summer Event 2018
What a fantastic evening at Kings College London for our annual Summer networking event? We were very lucky to be able to use The Council and Principal’s Rooms at the college, filled with paintings of eminent academics which is always very inspiring. This year we decided to do something different…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 20 June 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Young royals add to brand Britain
The birth of the latest member of the Royal Family has attracted a media frenzy, both nationally and internationally. Well wishes have stretched far beyond the commonwealth across the globe and the new heir to the throne’s name has now been announced – welcome to the world, Your Royal Highness…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 27 April 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Put down that phone!
I recently read an article in Harvard Business Review about counteracting smartphone addiction. This got me thinking about the scale of the problem this is becoming, not only to our relationships (professional and personal), but also our mental and physical health. Through their devices, most…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing and Administration Assistant, 16 April 2018 Categories: Team News full article
How to keep those plates spinning!
Recently, I’ve learnt the value of spending a little amount of time focused on completing small tasks that often slip off our list of priorities. Strangely enough, I liken this process to baking. I’m often found in our kitchen whipping up brownies whilst my dinner is in the oven. I have time…
By: Jemma Came, Programmes and Marketing Executive, 11 April 2018 Categories: Team News full article
A lot of thought
Science has proven that taking breaks increases your productivity. Here at The Juniper Company we enjoy a good challenge, so thought we’d share a puzzle with you for the next time you need a break from your work. This puzzle hit the headlines a couple of years ago, but it’s still a classic! It…
By: Jemma Came, Programmes and Marketing Executive, 6 April 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Defining your values
Having sponsored Ginny for a number of years now, knowing her personally and watching her produce many horses through the levels, we realise that there are many values that we share. ‘The Juniper Way’ of working with clients is similar to the way that Ginny deals with her different horses: ‘We…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing & Administration Assistant, 23 March 2018 Categories: Team News full article
How do you eat your Jaffa Cake?
Whilst sat at lunch devouring a family packet of Jaffa cakes (something that the Juniper Birds like to do on a regular basis) we compared the different ways we each eat a Jaffa cake. This then turned in to a full debate over which method was best: Jemma takes the route of full moon, half moon,…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing & Administration Assistant and Jemma Came, Programmes & Marketing Executive, 22 March 2018 Categories: Team News full article
How to set a communication rhythm with your team
Communication is at the heart of all high performing teams. Without it, we wouldn't be able to successfully progress in the work that we do. At The Juniper Company, we put huge emphasis on communication, making sure to hold regular catch-ups and team meetings so that all members of the team are…
By: Jemma Came, Programmes & Marketing Executive and Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 15 March 2018 Categories: Team News full article
What can Event riders teach businesses about overcoming adversity?
Ginny Howe, our sponsored Event rider, had a great start to her 2018 season last week. Despite the recent challenging weather conditions and the cancellation of her first planned event of the season, Ginny ran three horses at Oasby Horse Trials in the Intermediate section. Two of those horses…
By: Clare Kavanagh, Marketing & Administration Assistant, 15 March 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Our new year’s resolutions - have we stuck to them?
We have finally made it to February after what seemed like a never-ending January. Christmas is now a distant memory, but how many of us are still sticking to the new year’s resolution we set ourselves at the start of the year? It is easy to choose what you want to change, however; the main struggle…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 15 February 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Time to reflect...
At The Juniper Company, we always take some time in the new year to reflect on what we achieved the previous year. With September through to December our busiest months, its easy for us to lose track of our successes, so this time in January is a brilliant time for us to re-group. We bring the…
By: Jemma Came, Programmes & Marketing Executive, 2 February 2018 Categories: Team News full article
Merry Christmas from The Juniper Company!
From all the team at The Juniper Company, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year! Our office will be shut over the festive period from closing on the 22nd December until the 2nd January, where we look forward to re-connecting with you all in the new year. 2017 has…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 20 December 2017 Categories: Team News full article
Our Christmas shares - Italian chocolate tarts
Nicki and I recently travelled to Italy to help facilitate an Account Manager programme. This was the third of three modules across an 11-month period and the culmination of everything participants had learnt so far. They spent three very intense days working as teams role-playing scenarios with…
By: Jemma Came, Programmes & Marketing Executive, 8 December 2017 Categories: Team News full article
Catch up with Ginny Howe Eventing
Having a keen eye for photography, I thought it was about time I put my words into practice with a recent visit to one of our sponsors, Ginny Howe Eventing. Busy as ever, Ginny kindly invited us to join her whilst she trained four of her horses for upcoming competitions. We were lucky enough to see…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 14 September 2017 Categories: Team News full article
New beginnings and exciting opportunities: You get what you give!
We’re pleased to welcome the newest Juniper bird to the company – Emily Kavanagh, our Marketing Assistant. In her first blog, Emily shares her first experiences as a member of the team and the importance of giving your all to new opportunities:As the newest member of the team, I am currently in the…
By: Emily Kavanagh, Marketing Assistant, 4 September 2017 Categories: Team News full article
The Juniper Company proudly sponsors Rangers7 rugby team
At The Juniper Company, we are always keen to support team development. When we were approached by local sevens rugby team, Rangers7s, asking to sponsor their 2017 summer campaign, of course we said yes! The newly-founded team is based in Surrey and is looking to compete in a minimum of six…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 12 May 2017 Categories: Team News full article
Managing difficult situations respectfully, professionally and productively - Our summer networking event 5th July 2017
We would like to invite you to our annual summer networking event on the evening of 5th July at Somerset House, London. Join us for a glass of wine (or two) and meet old friends and new, whilst we explore the topic of workplace conflict: How can you resolve conflict and manage difficult behaviours…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 12 May 2017 Categories: Team News full article
Will you accept the 21-day challenge?
On 1 May, Marta and I embarked on our 21-day Yoga Challenge - we’ll practise yoga every day for 21 days as according to some, that’s how long it takes to build a habit.We’ve each practised yoga for a couple of years, but are far from experts. As aspiring yogis, we hope that this challenge will…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 3 May 2017 Categories: Team News full article
Exciting season ahead for Ginny Howe Eventing
The Juniper Company is proud to sponsor International Eventer, Ginny Howe. On Monday, we met with Ginny to catch up and discuss her plans for the upcoming season.Throughout our long-standing relationship, Ginny has faced many trials and tribulations, but ever the professional, Ginny’s positive…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 22 February 2017 Categories: Team News full article
The Juniper Company sponsors Pony Club's Eventer's Challenge
On Saturday 14th January, The Juniper Company sponsored an Eventer’s Challenge competition held at Merrist Wood College for the Staff College and Sandhurst Hunt branch of the Pony Club fundraising. We were very happy, not only to sponsor, but also to go along on the day and to judge the style…
By: Nicki Kavanagh, Managing Director, 1 February 2017 Categories: Team News full article
New season, new job
The summer season is nearly over and many of us are returning to work after our annual summer break. Some may even have taken the time away to reflect on work and ponder the opportunity for a fresh career. New research from Monster.co.uk reveals that four fifths (80 per cent) of workers…
By: Michelle Welch, Learning & Development Consultant, 8 September 2016 Categories: Team News full article
The Great British Bake Off: Could you handle the heat?
More than 10 million tuned in to watch the season premiere of The Great British Bake Off (GBBO) on Wednesday night. It didn’t disappoint! Tears, dropped cakes and five bakers restarting the show-stopper challenge - Bake Off was back with a bang and the nation began making early predictions as to…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 26 August 2016 Categories: Team News full article
What's going to work? Team work!
The Juniper team has been gripped by the Rio Olympics. Most mornings during our team meetings, we catch up on the previous day’s events, and of course the great success of Team GB so far! Yesterday, our focus was on the Team GB’s Men’s Rowing 8’s responses in a BBC interview with Hazel Irvine on…
By: Cathy Marinacci, Learning & Development Specialist, 16 August 2016 Categories: Team News full article
Our Juniper birds conquer Race for Life’s Pretty Muddy 5km
Hell hath no fury like a woman in pink! And that was certainly the case last weekend…On Saturday 25th June, Marta and I tackled Race for Life’s muddy obstacle course in Stoke Park, Guildford, alongside 3,000 other women of the Pink Army. We climbed over, crawled under and ran through the obstacles…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 1 July 2016 Categories: Team News full article
The professional shoe dilemma
My name is Jemma and I’m a shoeaholic. It’s not a secret, it’s pretty common knowledge amongst our team. When I buy a new pair of shoes, the whole office knows – I’ve even enlightened them to my favourite outlet site!I appreciate a good quality shoe and it disappoints me when women apply the “no…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 18 May 2016 Categories: Team News full article
A day with Ginny Howe Eventing: An Equestrian Education.
The Juniper Co. is a proud sponsor of Ginny Howe Eventing and last week, Nicki and I popped by to see Ginny at Tweseldown Racecourse as she schooled four of her horses.Although originally from the country, I do not have an equestrian background. This became clear at a call of “Look at her boots!”…
By: Jemma Came, Marketing & Programmes Assistant, 15 March 2016 Categories: Team News full article
Working from home
“Today I will be working from home” a declaration that once was considered in the office as a cop out, a day to sit in your pyjamas with your laptop on the sofa watching day time T.V.But…is there more to working from home than the perception of wearing fluffy slippers and drinking milky coffee?It is…
By: Michelle Welch, Learning & Development and Change Consultant at The Juniper Company, 19 February 2016 Categories: Team News full article
Exciting things to come in 2016!
We hope you enjoyed your Christmas break and are now back into the swing of things once more. We are very excited about a number of projects on the cards for 2016, particularly the re-development of our website and Learning Centre system. Both will be completely overhauled to become more…
By: The Juniper Team, 22 January 2016 Categories: Team News full article