​The PREsent is a gift

By: Alison Coleman, 2 April 2024 Categories: Learning, development & personal growth, Team News

As we welcome in the month of April, we find ourselves already in the second quarter of the year. How time flies! With the arrival of a new quarter, comes a new Juniper theme – for the next three months we will be exploring ideas around the importance of being present.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, the future depends on what we do in the present. Focusing on what can be achieved in the here and now is so vital for helping us achieve success, both now and in the weeks and months to come.

In this quarter we will be sharing our thoughts and ideas for how we can make a difference by keeping ourselves ‘in the moment’. The first of our snippets of inspiration, is small changes, big difference. This wisdom encourages us to immerse ourselves in the finer details of our work. It hopefully motivates us to seek those opportunities, where making a little tweak here or there to the way we work can have a big impact on what we are able to achieve. It gets us thinking about impacts and consequences.

In the Juniper team we are always looking for ways that small changes can make a big difference for our clients. For example, when we are preparing to deliver a workshop, we make sure we have a dry run. This enables us to consider things like session timings, and whether there are areas where we will need to spend more time or provide an exercise for participants, based on their learning needs. Following a dry run we can make amendments to the content that may be small yet can have a big influence on how well the workshop is received and the impact it achieves.

There are so many things we can do on a daily basis that can contribute to improved outcomes. It can be useful to ask ourselves, what small changes have I made recently that could make a big difference? Or perhaps an even better question, what small changes could I start making?