​Come fly with us – our team travel tips!

By: The Juniper Team, 7 November 2023 Categories: Team News

Working with clients from across the globe means our Juniper team members often need to travel. Having the opportunity to meet with people face to face and visit new places can be extremely exciting and rewarding, but not without its challenges. Here are some of our favourite tips for managing working whilst on the road, rail, or in the air...

Plan ahead: planning is key. Ensure you have a detailed itinerary, including all your meetings, work hours, and leisure time. This will help you balance work, downtime, and potential for exploring the local area.

Pack efficiently: travel light and efficiently. Choose a versatile mix-and-match wardrobe with layers, particularly if the weather where you are going is unpredictable. Pack essential electronics like your laptop charger (easy to forget) in an accessible place, and don't forget power adapters for different countries.

Local transport: research the local transport methods before departure (using universal apps, such as Moovit) and identify exactly how you’re going to get from A to B, particularly the initial route from the airport to the hotel/office.

Agree on your work schedule with those you are meeting: discuss with your colleagues/clients the planned work schedule before you arrive. This will help you to be prepared, avoid any misunderstandings about your availability, and allow some time for relaxation to ensure you are fresh each day.

Work strategically: utilise your time wisely. Take the opportunity when (for example) waiting to board the plane or whilst on a train, to respond to emails and do any ‘minor’ tasks.

Cultural experiences: take advantage of your location to immerse yourself in the local culture. It can enhance your work and provide a well-rounded experience. Ask local colleagues/clients for top tips on places to visit. You never know, they might offer to give you a guided tour ????.

Time for rest: remember to take time off work to recharge and explore. Burnout can occur when working on the road.

Stay healthy: prioritise your health by getting enough sleep, staying hydrated (only drinking the local water if you are confident that it is safe to do so), eating well, and doing light exercise. Going for a walk at the end of the day gives you an opportunity to reflect on the day, embrace your surroundings, and prepare mentally for the next day.

Enjoy the journey: remember that the purpose of traveling for work is not just to work but also to broaden your experience. Enjoy the journey and make the most of the adventure.