​Embracing the Holiday Season

By: Calvin Sadie Categories: Team News

Written on the 30th November 2023

The holiday season is nearly upon us here in the UK, a time of year when the world seems to sparkle with magic and goodwill. Whilst traditions like decorating your home, making gingerbread houses, and exchanging gifts are wonderful ways to celebrate, it's also a time for winding down, reflection, and reconnection. During the holiday frenzy, I like to take a moment to recharge my batteries and try out some different activities to help reset. Here are a few of my favourite things to do to add a little bit of wholesomeness to the holidays:

  • Getting outdoors and enjoying a crisp winter walk
    Amid the flurry of holiday preparations and entertaining, stepping outside and savouring the beauty of winter can bring lots of joy. A brisk walk can do wonders for your mood and well-being and help digest any seasonal indulgences. Whether you wander through your own neighbourhood to admire the festive decorations, venture into a nearby park, or take a drive to a nature reserve to appreciate the winter plants and wildlife - the tranquillity of the season can be truly rejuvenating. Taking friends and loved ones with you can make the experience even more memorable.
  • Catching up with friends and family
    With our busy lives, it can be difficult to find quality time to spend with loved ones, but the holiday season provides an ideal opportunity to reconnect. Hosting a festive gathering, attending holiday parties, or simply spending quality time with your family can create moments to cherish. My personal favourite is playing Scrabble with my parents, who at 86 still give me a run for my money.
  • Trying a new hobby or rediscovering an old one
    The holiday season is the ideal time to delve into a new hobby or rediscover an old one. Is there something you've always wanted to learn, like painting, knitting, or playing a musical instrument? Maybe you've been thinking about trying your hand at gourmet cooking. Exploring a new hobby can be an enriching and fulfilling experience, and sharing it with a friend or a loved one can make it even better. Perhaps trying something whilst you are together with someone you don’t see so often will inspire you to make it a regular ‘thing’!

For me, the holidays are a time for reflection and togetherness. They offer an opportunity to embrace the love and warmth that surrounds us. I look forward to taking a break from the rush of life and creating some meaningful memories and I hope you can too.

From all of us at The Juniper Co., we wish you a joyous and heartwarming holiday season filled with love and laughter.

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash