Putting your best foot forward

By: Calvin Sadie Categories: Learning, development & personal growth

Written on the 28th September 2023.

Starting at Juniper has been nothing short of fantastic. I have learnt about our compass and culture, the wonderful clients we work with, and taken a deeper dive into the different theories utilised for each programme. My colleagues have welcomed me with open arms and, as a team, we have developed a positive and supportive working environment.

Since starting my new role, my wellbeing has been at the top of my list of priorities. It can be overwhelming when navigating new responsibilities and expectations, so it’s important to check-in with yourself. Doing this has played a key part in managing the transition best, so I haven’t felt a constant wave of ‘information overload’, and therefore, can produce my best work.

Here are my top tips for maintaining wellbeing whilst starting a new job:

  1. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that adapting to a new role takes time. I set achievable goals and make sure I am patient with myself as I learn the ropes. I don't expect perfection from day one.
  2. Prioritise Self-Care: I ensure I am exercising regularly, getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and eating a balanced diet. These pillars of wellbeing provide me with the energy and focus needed to excel at work and absorb as much information as possible.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: I engage in mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. Whether it be first thing in the morning or last thing at night; taking even a few minutes each day can make a huge difference.
  4. Build a Support System: I try to develop positive relationships with colleagues. Having a support network at work can foster a sense of belonging and make the transition smoother.
  5. Learn to Say No: While it's important to show initiative, I avoid overloading myself with tasks. I have learned to prioritize tasks and politely decline when my plate is full.
  6. Pursue Hobbies: Engaging in activities I love outside of work brings joy and balance to my life. I find that hobbies provide an outlet for creativity and relaxation and can assist me in switching off from ‘work mode’. This ensures I am present and engaged during my working hours.
  7. Plan Your Downtime: I schedule regular breaks throughout my workday to rest and recharge. I use this time to step away from my desk and engage in a brief activity that rejuvenates me. I highly recommend going for a walk after eating lunch. This helps with digestion, so I don’t feel too lethargic and gives me an opportunity to reflect on the morning and recharge for the afternoon ahead.
  8. Be Open to Feedback: I have found that actively seeking feedback from my supervisors and peers gives me an enlightening perspective of myself. Constructive criticism helps me improve and grow within my role. I remind myself – I will never be the complete ‘product’. I constantly look for ways to be better than yesterday.
  9. Celebrate Small Wins: I try to acknowledge my achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. Celebrating progress boosts self-confidence and motivates me to keep pushing forward.
  10. Be Yourself

I do believe that finding a harmonious balance between work and personal wellbeing is an ongoing process. By utilising these tips within my routine, I have found that I’m better equipped to face the challenges of a new job and maintain a positive balance. Our wellbeing is an investment that pays dividends in both our career and personal life. Give these tips a go and let us know how you get on.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash