Spotlight on DISC personality profiling and how we play to our strengths

By: The Juniper Team Categories: Learning, development & personal growth

Written on the 22nd March 2023.

What is DISC?

DISC is a personality profiling tool that breaks our behavioural traits into four main categories – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. The assessment itself is a fifteen-minute questionnaire. The premise is that you don’t spend too long on each question and answer the four multiple-choice options with the one which speaks most strongly to you.

All of us display each of the traits, however, every individual has their own natural preferences, and everyone adapts according to different situations. This can be a helpful tool, since the more self-aware we are, the better prepared we can be in any given scenario, whether it be in everyday conversation or a discussion involving challenge or conflict. It can also help us to understand others’ personalities and how we might adapt and collaborate to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. We can only change our own behaviour, not other people’s, after all!

We recently sat down as a team and spent some time looking at our profile reports, our strengths and ‘in control’ responses, as well as how we tend to respond to pressure and our ‘out of control’ reactions. The diagram below provides examples of the characteristics associated with each category.

We then looked at how we can optimise our ‘in control’ and work on our ‘out of control’ with support from each other. which, requires psychological safety. See Ava’s blog here for more on this. We agreed on some principles - there is no one style that is better than another, and by being totally honest, we improve our understanding of each other. We can then play to our strengths more and help each other when we come up against issues or challenges in our work. We now have more insight to call on, to help us to be stronger as a team, which in turn will be better for our clients.

Emily: Governor ISC

High I and S, with a moderate C and a very low D.

With both high I and S styles I am, according to DISC very optimistic, supportive, imaginative, and steadfast with a caring, thoughtful nature, all of which I agree with. When I am feeling ‘in control’ of a situation I rely on my I-style to promote positivity and enthusiasm and often draw on my C-style to ensure I am conscientious and correct. When I feel ‘out of control’ I need to remember the impact on those around me of over-committing myself. If I dig a bit deeper and pull up my low D, I can achieve more by being more decisive, more realistic, and better able to manage expectations about what is possible.

Ava: Advisor SI

Moderate S with a moderate I, a somewhat low C and D

I am an SI Advisor, with a personality style rooted in the ‘S’ for Steadiness. I am a people person, and enjoy developing relationships with those around me, taking the time to really listen to people and striving to understand their needs and perspectives – that’s when I’m ‘in control.’ When I’m out of my comfort zone, or ‘out of control’, my impulsiveness, stubbornness, and uncommunicative traits can take over and it takes me a while to step outside of myself and pull on my more reliable traits like my thoughtfulness and resilience.

Sometimes it’s important to remind ourselves that we can call upon different traits that may not feel instinctively natural to us. With enough practice and thought, anything can become second nature.

Vicky: Advisor SI

High S with a moderate I, a lower C with a very low D.

As a result of my high S and moderate I, when I am ‘in control’, I am described as a friendly, I’m a people -orientated team player and a good listener (my S traits). My other characteristics (the I in me) include a positive outlook and sense of humour, a love of people and interaction, and that I negotiate conflict well - I am often described as a peacemaker. When I am ‘out of control’, I have been known to reduce the level of detail I provide, and to rely more on instinct than facts (my lower C coming into play). I could learn from those around me with higher D traits, who are not afraid to challenge or be more direct, and this will be one of my focus areas going forward.

Nicki: Challenger DC

High D, moderate C, low I and S

With a D-style intensity, according to DISC I like to design and refine. I am determined and driven to excellence. I am not afraid to ‘go for’ my goals and am willing to put in the effort for success. When my personality is ‘in control’, I am a realist who weighs up options before deciding to move ahead, I think through alternatives and offer innovative ideas. I provide direction and leadership to my team, ‘walk the walk’ and welcome challenging projects without fear. The characteristics that I need to work on, e.g. those I demonstrate when I am under pressure, are that I can become ‘restless’ and move quickly from one thing to another. I need to remember to, slow down and be attentive to others’ feelings and needs, and listen to their ideas to ensure we reach a consensus.